About Us
Our History
May 22nd 2019 Sharon Skky Grace was schedule for explant surgery. She had to have her breast implants removed because they had been slowly killing her since the day they were implanted in 2013. Despite seeking the help and guidance of several doctors and specialists, she was never provided a reason for all the physical, mental, and emotional issues she was experiencing daily. One morning after another rough night of being in pain, Sharon got up with a vision that came to her through a dream she had about her grandmother. It was in that dream she was reminded of the childhood healthy remedies that her grandmother and aunts would make her and her cousins drink year round to keep them healthy. From that dream Eternal SOUL Seamoss was birthed!
After explant surgery, Sharon was advised that she would need to see more doctors and take more medication to detox her body from heavy metals and toxins placed in her body by the implants.
Sharon made the unconventional decision and chose to detox naturally utilizing one of her grandmothers ancient Caribbean remedies, “Irish moss” in gel form. This is also known as seamoss.
January 2020, after 8 months of seeing and feeling all the positive benefits of seamoss, Sharon formed Eternal Soul Seamoss and began to share her story with others.
And she plans to keep sharing her story and helping others stay healthy!
Our mission is to combine Ancient all natural health remedies of the Caribbean with the purest form of production to help heal, improve and maintain the health of all people! Through the betterment of our health we can spread more love, positivity, and happiness!
Our vision is to increase the knowledge of the new growing community of all natural supplement and remedy takers, to help them take control of of their own health, and lives!

- To produce the best Quality all natural herbal products for the benefit of human health and well being.
- To spread Positivity through shared experiences and newly formed relationship, bring our community closer together.
- To be Transparent in our processes and keep them pure, healthy, and environmentally safe.
- To always be Honest and have Integrity in all that we do.

Sharon Grace

Sian Phipps
Customer Relations

Syrenity Grace
Marketing Executive